Saturday, February 18, 2012

The big move.

In October last year, I made the big move from Queensland to New South Wales. It has been challenging to say the least as far as the business goes. It is almost like starting all over again, but it is well worth it. I absolutely love it here in The Hawkesbury and look forward to many fun shoots in the gorgeous surroundings.

I have met some wonderful people since I moved here. I have been busy getting my advertising out there.

I am still going to be Photographing Weddings in Queensland, so I will be doing a fair bit of traveling in the future. I love capturing the happy memories of a beautiful day for couples and their families.

As far as portraits go, I love photographing children in natural settings while they play or investigate the world. This way I think that I can capture their true character and cute moments of their world.

I am also photographing pets of all kinds from dogs to cats to horses and more.

I am now based in North Richmond, but I travel to many areas including the Blue Mountains.